2023 Agenda

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AGENDA (preliminary)

Thursday, Nov 2

7:00 am

Registration Opens

Regency Ballroom doors open for Sponsor Exhibits and Breakfast

8:00 am

Continental Ballroom Doors Open

8:30 am

General Session Begins

8:45 am

KEYNOTE: Ask Like an Auctioneer

Dia Bondi

Learn to think like an auctioneer so you can Ask Like an Auctioneer and never leave money or opportunity on the table again, ever. When we ask, we aim low. We ask for what we think we can reasonably get because we’re afraid to risk demanding too much and end up with nothing at all. The result? We leave money and opportunity on the table.

This session is for ambitious professionals who are serious about having an impact inside organizations. Learn to Ask Like an Auctioneer and you’ll never leave any money or opportunity on the table again.

9:45 am

30 minute break Regency Ballroom

10:15 am

KEYNOTE: Your Great Life Begins Outside Your Comfort Zone

Valerie Peterson

11:00 am

KEYNOTE: Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™

Dr. Valerie Young

Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive Despite It

In this upbeat session, you’ll discover what impostor syndrome is and who is most susceptible. You’ll walk away with practical, immediately usable strategies to help you and/or the people you lead, manage, mentor, or parent.

12:00 pm

Lunch – Regency Ballroom

1:10 pm

Return – Continental Ballroom

1:15 pm

KEYNOTE: Compete Every Day

Jake Thompson

Today’s ultra-competitive world requires a special mindset and skillset to create and maintain a leading edge. Discover how embracing a competitive, growth-oriented mindset will foster professional and personal development, not just for you, but for those you lead too.

In this powerful session, Jake will teach you how to make winning choices, consistently. You’ll leave with a game plan to create a competitive advantage for your company – and your life.

2:15 pm

30 minute break Snack & Dessert

2:45 pm

GAME CHANGER: Miserable Life, Miserable Lawyer

James Joseph

Without a great life you will not be able to practice or grow your law firm while giving both your best performance.  James will address the fallacy of the need to sacrifice everything to be a great lawyer.  He’ll share stories about how living a great life helps your practice, team, and clients get the best from you.

3:15 pm

KEYNOTE: Freedom of Choice

John Kennyhertz

3:45 pm

KEYNOTE: The Importance and Impact of a Strong Team Leader

Cary Moss & Billie Jo Rudowitz

4:15 pm


4:30 pm


5:00 pm

KEYNOTE: Embracing AI in Your Law Firm: From Panic to Profitability

Steve Riley

5:45 pm

Closing of the Day

6:00 pm

Cocktail Reception in Regency Ballroom

Friday, Nov 3


Denise Cullen and Daniel Struna

8:30 am

Welcome back, Let’s Get Your Practice Growing

Today you’re going to be working on your practice not in your practice. This session will help you to better understand the difference between working on your practice and in your practice. You’ll discover when you change hats from legal expert to business owner.

9:00 am

How Does My Law Firm Compare to the Most Successful Small and Solo Law Firms

In this session you’ll use a scorecard to compare your practice to small and solo law firm best practice. What is your current reality. You’ll uncover where you’re doing well and identify where you want to focus to grow your practice. You’ll learn the importance of how your mindset can empower you to grow your practice.

10:30 am

30-minute break—check-out of hotel

11:00 am

Setting the Course to Achieve Your Dream

What did you think your life would be like when you graduated from law school? Is your practice and your life the way you imagined? Does your dream seem impossible today? What is your “Why” and is it possible to achieve? It is possible! In this session, take the first steps on the journey of growing your practice and living a great life. Discover what the Atticus Practice Growth Formula is and how it will work for you.

12:15 pm


1:15 pm

Getting into the Nitty Gritty Details of Your Law Practice

You’ll work independently and in small groups to dig deep into many of the core elements of your practice including cashflow and profitability, time off, strategic delegation, business skills, marketing, taking time off, your health, your family commitments. Inside each of these topics you’ll think through where you’ve made progress over the last year, where you’re stuck and generate ideas for an action plan to put into place now.

3:00 pm

30-minute break

3:30 pm

Creating Your Pathway to Grow Starting Today

You’ve generated so many ideas, in this session you’ll select your best ideas and create a growth map with actionable, achievable steps.

5:00 pm

Session questions and wrap-up

5:30 pm


Thursday, Nov 2

8:30 am


8:45 am

KEYNOTE: Ask Like an Auctioneer

Dia Bondi

Learn to think like an auctioneer so you can Ask Like an Auctioneer and never leave money or opportunity on the table again, ever. When we ask, we aim low. We ask for what we think we can reasonably get because we’re afraid to risk demanding too much and end up with nothing at all. The result? We leave money and opportunity on the table.

This session is for ambitious professionals who are serious about having an impact inside organizations. Learn to Ask Like an Auctioneer and you’ll never leave any money or opportunity on the table again.

9:45 am


10:15 am

GAME CHANGER: Miserable Life, Miserable Lawyer

James Joseph

Without a great life you will not be able to practice or grow your law firm while giving both your best performance.  James will address the fallacy of the need to sacrifice everything to be a great lawyer.  He’ll share stories about how living a great life helps your practice, team, and clients get the best from you.

10:45 am

KEYNOTE: Compete Every Day

Jake Thompson

Today’s ultra-competitive world requires a special mindset and skillset to create and maintain a leading edge. Discover how embracing a competitive, growth-oriented mindset will foster professional and personal development, not just for you, but for those you lead too.

In this powerful session, Jake will teach you how to make winning choices, consistently. You’ll leave with a game plan to create a competitive advantage for your company – and your life.

11:45 pm


1:00 pm

KEYNOTE: Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™

Dr. Valerie Young

Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive Despite It

In this upbeat session, you’ll discover what impostor syndrome is and who is most susceptible. You’ll walk away with practical, immediately usable strategies to help you and/or the people you lead, manage, mentor, or parent.

2:00 pm


2:30 pm

WORKSHOP: Unlock your Potential: Growth Strategies for 2024

Denise Cullen

Overcome where you are stuck, frustrated, and unhappy with the growth in your practice. You’ll learn best practices to attract high-value clients, sharpen focus and prioritize, and increase profitability and cashflow. We’ll finish the workshop strong with planning for your great practice and your great life.

5:30 pm

COCKTAIL RECEPTION in Regency Ballroom

Friday, Nov 3


Denise Cullen and Daniel Struna

8:30 am

Welcome back, Let’s Get Your Practice Growing

Today you’re going to be working on your practice not in your practice. This session will help you to better understand the difference between working on your practice and in your practice. You’ll discover when you change hats from legal expert to business owner.

9:00 am

How Does My Law Firm Compare to the Most Successful Small and Solo Law Firms

In this session you’ll use a scorecard to compare your practice to small and solo law firm best practice. What is your current reality. You’ll uncover where you’re doing well and identify where you want to focus to grow your practice. You’ll learn the importance of how your mindset can empower you to grow your practice.

10:30 am

30-minute break—check-out of hotel

11:00 am

Setting the Course to Achieve Your Dream

What did you think your life would be like when you graduated from law school? Is your practice and your life the way you imagined? Does your dream seem impossible today? What is your “Why” and is it possible to achieve? It is possible! In this session, take the first steps on the journey of growing your practice and living a great life. Discover what the Atticus Practice Growth Formula is and how it will work for you.

12:15 pm


1:15 pm

Getting into the Nitty Gritty Details of Your Law Practice

You’ll work independently and in small groups to dig deep into many of the core elements of your practice including cashflow and profitability, time off, strategic delegation, business skills, marketing, taking time off, your health, your family commitments. Inside each of these topics you’ll think through where you’ve made progress over the last year, where you’re stuck and generate ideas for an action plan to put into place now.

3:00 pm

30-minute break

3:30 pm

Creating Your Pathway to Grow Starting Today

You’ve generated so many ideas, in this session you’ll select your best ideas and create a growth map with actionable, achievable steps.

5:00 pm

Session questions and wrap-up

5:30 pm


Sponsorship Opportunities

Learn more about Sponsorship Opportunities here.
To secure your sponsorship at The Summit, click here for the application then email to summit@atticusadvantage.com.


Have questions? Want to speak with a SUMMIT Advisor? Send us an email and we’ll get back to you asap.